3 Tips to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score

June 24 2021 09:50

We all know that Google rates and allocates a quality score to every keyword you bid at, which will impact the keyword’s CPC(cost per click), ads rating, and impression rate.

In other words, the quality scores of your keywords will influence your ads’ profitability!

This article will dive into how to improve your Google ads quality scores based on Google’s general suggestions. Want to know how? Then read on.

What is the quality score?

Quality score is measured on a scale from 1 to 10 at the keyword level, based on Google’s assessment of the quality and relevancy of the keyword and its ads and landing page.

Google then floats the CPC for each bidding keyword based on its quality score.

In a nutshell, the higher the quality score it is, the lower CPC you will get.

To determine the ranking of your ad on the search result page, Google inspects the biddings and quality scores of all involved competing ads and ranks them.

Minimum CPC * Quality Score = Ranking

You can perform the following two practices so that you can improve your ad’s ranking:

  1. Raising bidding

  2. Improving quality score

Apparently, that’s why it is important to improve quality scores: acquiring more impressions for your ads with the minimum cost!

How is the quality score calculated?

As Google has announced, the following three criteria are the assessment index of quality scores:

  1. Expected click-through rate (CTR)

  2. Ad relevance

  3. Landing page relevance

Every criterion comes with three levels:

  1. Below average

  2. Average

  3. Above average

Please note that they are calculated based on per keyword, no matter whatever the keyword match type is.

And the quality score is the overall score of the aforementioned indexes.

Tips to improve your Google ads quality scores

Quality score is the way by which Google uses to evaluate how well your ad meets users’ demands; the better your ad performs, the more satisfied they are with your ad, thus google will charge you with less cost.

Hence, this is a positive cycle to improve your ad quality scores.

Now that you’ve known that how the quality score is calculated and what the involved factors are, it is time to optimize your ads with the following tips.

  1. Improve CTRs

In the first place, you need to exclude those irrelevant keywords that waste your budgets;

Secondly, optimize the match types to make it easier for keywords to reach to the targeted audience. For example,  the keyword“PS5” is a broad match, it will be triggered when “Fix out Playstation 4” is searched.

   2. Improve landing page experience

Mobile experience and page load speed are two aspects you should attach importance to since they have a lot to do with your page’s bounce rate, which indicates the relevancy between the page’s content and users’ expectation.

Test My Site is a tool developed by Google that you can use to test your site speed and get insights on how to improve.

   3. Improve ads relevancy

Based on my long experience in Google ads optimization, I’ve found that improving CTR or landing page experience is twice as effective as improving ad relevancy, as a result, it is recommended that you should focus more on improving on the CTR and landing page experience.


Keep in mind that improving the expected click-through rate or landing page experience has twice the effect of other measures on quality score, so these two should be treated as top priorities. But that’s not always true, when your scores are above average, there is no need to waste time over-optimizing.